Answer and Bring the Change !!

This post is special. These are the questions I came across some 2 days back and I felt a drastic change in my approach towards life.

I am posting this for you ! Do not ask these to anyone but YOURSELF !!
The purpose of life LIES behind these questions. 

Note down somewhere and write answers too. Read them again and again till you answer all of them.

SO HERE WE GO  >>>>>>>>>

When was the last time when you experimented ?

What is the one thing you are most proud of ?

Do you have a dream ?

Are you living your dream ? If no, then when ?

What is the one thing you can leave everything for ?

If you ever meet god, what would you ask him ?

What scares you the most ?

What excites you the most ?

When was the last time you took a stand for yourself ?

When was the last time you were genuinely happy ?

What is the one thing you’ve done which is worth remembering ?

What do you want to be remembered of ?

What stands between you and your happiness ?


Consider these your roots and live upon that. These are not with the motive of alone-self-living. Live with your loved ones with some love for yourself too.

Be happy and fulfilled.

Comment your answers if you like to.
